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Metropolitan houses many of its community service programs in the Met Centre. The centre is dedicated to the empowerment of the vulnerable members of our downtown community with on-site staff providing services and referrals to supports that allow them to reach self-sufficiency.

We have a partnership with the Shared Care team from CAMH, which uses Recovery Model principles to support homeless and under-housed people with addictions and mental health issues.

In 2016, the Met Centre staff conducted a needs assessment of the services in downtown Toronto and engaged with more than 80 community members to highlight the barriers that prevent vulnerable community members from reaching adequate levels of self-sufficiency.

A low barrier foot clinic opened in 2022 providing difference-making care to vulnerable community members in the downtown east, with appointments available through booking and by drop-in (please note that this shared initiative is now operated at St. James Cathedral Centre at King/Church.

The Outreach Program is guided by 3 principles:

(1) To connect to the broader community with passion and commitment
(2) To form partnerships to enable optimal care for our inner city community focused on those who are vulnerable to local and global stresses
(3) To advocate for positive change , peace, and social justice  


Contact our Outreach Chair

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