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Raising Lazarus from the dead is, without a doubt, a miraculous sign performed by Jesus, but even more amazing is what it means for our lives with Jesus beyond the promise of the resurrection. Eternal life is also here and now and as followers of Jesus we are called to unbind the dead so that all might know abundant life.

Our guest preacher on Sunday is the Reverend Dr Karoline M. Lewis, who serves as the Professor of Biblical Preaching and The Marbury E. Anderson Chair of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. Karoline is in Toronto this week to present a workshop at The Lester Randall Preaching Fellowship at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, a continuing education event for clergy that Met supports.

  • Prelude: Aria and Fugue (Healey Willan), Prelude, from Symphony No. 2  (Charles-Marie Widor), Allegro vivace, from Symphony No. 1 (Louis Vierne)
  • Readings: Isaiah 25:6-9, John 11:32-44
  • Sermon: "Unbinding the Dead" (The Reverend Dr Karoline M. Lewis)
  • Anthems: Salmo 150 (Ernani Aguiar), How Can I Keep From Singing? (Sarah Quartel)
  • Offertory: Alleluia, from In Furore Justissime (Antonio Vivaldi)
  • Postlude: Prelude in C minor, op. 37 no. 1 (Felix Mendelssohn)