This week, we explore the somewhat esoteric Christian doctrine known as the Trinity. Three in one, one in three. Holy, holy, holy (or in Latin: sanctus, sanctus, sanctus). In his sermon Sanctus Covidendtus, Rev. Meyers will use the prophet Isaiah's call story and Nicodemus' visit to Jesus by night to imagine what a 'trinitarian mission' for the church might look like in the coming months as we (hopefully!) emerge from the pandemic.
- Carillon: Minuet (J.S. Bach arr. McDowell)
- Prelude:
- Prelude In E-flat Major (J.S. Bach)
- O Lux Beata Trinitas (Praetorius)
- Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; John 3:1-17
- Anthem: Joy Cometh in the Morning (Utterback)
- Sermon: "Sanctus Covidendtus”
- Solo: La Spagna (Anon.)
- Postlude: Fugue in E-flat Major (J.S. Bach)
Photo: "Trinity” by Kelly Latimore