Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after Pentecost, is one of the few times in the Christian Year that we focus more on a doctrine than on scripture. We take time to revisit the doctrine developed at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, in an effort to give voice to the divinity of Christ and the Spirit while maintaining our belief in one God. On Trinity Sunday we celebrate that we worship one God who is, in God’s own self, three persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or creator, redeemer and sustainer.
- Prelude: Metropolitan Silver Band
- Readings: Psalm 8; Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15
- Blessing of the Animals: Frida's Whiskers
- Band Offertory: The Turtle Dove (Trad. arr. Crauzas)
- Sermon: “Understanding God" (Rev. Mark Aitchison)
- Postlude: Siyahamba (Trad., arr. F. Harvey)