This week’s scripture readings include the very well know passage from Micah 6 (What does the Lord require of you?) and the series of blessings Jesus offers to the crowds, known as the Beatitudes. In Rev. Meyers’s sermon, "The First Imperative", we will explore how the blessings that God brings into our lives can transform not only our lives, but a culture that has forgotten its sense of belonging.
- Prelude: Various (Beyer; Sulzer)
- Readings: Responsive Psalm 149; Micah 6:1-8; Matthew 5:1-12
- Anthems:
- Ubi Caritas (Gjeilo)
- Mr. Blue Sky (Lynn arr. Emerson)
- Sermon: "The First Imperative" (Rev. Jason Meyers)
- Offertory: Pie Jesu, from Requiem (Webber)
- Postlude: Finale, from Symphonie no. 1, op. 14 (Vierne)