This week’s Ascension texts invite some very creative and dramatic interpretations (such as this one from Rev. Jason’s children from a couple of years ago). In Sunday sermon's “Walking on Wounded Feet", we will be invited to consider what comes next for the disciples, and the church, after Jesus’ departure from this world.
- Prelude: Allein Gott in der Höh’ sei Ehr (J.S. Bach)
- Readings: Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53
- Anthems:
- O Clap Your Hands (Shaw)
- Lead Me, Lord (Todd)
- Sermon: “Walking on Wounded Feet” (Rev. Jason Meyers)
- Offertory: Thou Art Gone up on High, from Messiah (G.F. Handel)
- Postlude: Transports de joie, from L’Ascension (Messiaen)