This week’s service will have a 'congregational singing' theme to it, so online and in-person, let's get ready to literally sing from the same hymnbook! In his sermon “Singing Faith” Rev. Meyers will reflect on how both the story of the golden calf in Exodus and Paul’s letter to the Philippians remind us to actively work on healthy relationships with God and our neighbour through collective actions and shared stories.
- Prelude: Works by César Franck
- Readings: Exodus 32:1–14; Philippians 4:1-9
- Anthems:
- Cantate Domino (Pitoni)
- Unto the Hills (Enns)
- Sermon: “Singing Faith" (Rev. Jason Meyers)
- Offertory: All Creatures of our God and King (arr. McChesney)
- Postlude: Finale, from Sonata no. 1, op. 42 (Guilmant)