
One of the terms used to describe Easter is a 'moveable feast.' It is so called because the day it is celebrated moves depending on the date of the first full moon after the vernal or spring equinox. On Sunday, we will consider other possible reasons for referring to the day of resurrection as the 'moveable feast.'  

  • Carillon Prelude: Prelude on ‘Llanfair’ (T. Rusterholz)
  • Silver Band Prelude: Various (Sparke, Fernie, Lovatt-Cooper)
  • Organ Prelude: Prelude on ‘Vulpius’  (Willan)
  • Readings: Acts 10: 34-43Mark 16:1-8    
  • Sermon: "The Moveable Feast" by The Rev. Karen Bowles
  • Duet: Jesus Rose Again (Dorsey)
  • Silver Band Postlude: Go Down, Moses (Ballantine)

Although physically apart, we will celebrate the sacrament of communion together, so gather up bread and a libation in advance of worship and we will celebrate the Eucharist with God and with one another. Hallelujah!