Social justice is a social science and a political philosophy. It calls for the fair treatment and equitable status of all individuals and social groups within a state or society. The term also is used to refer to social, political, and economic institutions, laws, or policies that collectively afford such fairness and equity and is commonly applied to movements that seek fairness, equity, inclusion, self-determination, or other goals for currently or historically oppressed, exploited, or marginalized populations.

In today’s turbulent economic times, poverty can happen very quickly to anyone. A guaranteed livable income would help address the persistent inequities within our country. A strong example of advocacy for poverty alleviation is the United Church of Canada’s support for a Guaranteed Livable Income. 

In November, 2023, The Peace and Social Justice Group hosted a service highlighting the effects of poverty and housing unaffordability called “Below The Poverty Line” preached by the Very Reverend Honourable Lois Wilson. 

Additional Resources:

Guaranteed Livable Income Vigil 

Universal basic income could change more than how we work

Ending Poverty