Renewing Relationships with Indigenous Peoples is addressed by The Peace & Social Justice Group in two ways:

Sponsoring Our Annual Indigenous Rights Service: Each year the group contributes to designing and leading a worship service to recognize our commitment to renewing relationships with Indigenous Peoples. Check out our Orange Shirt Day service in September 2023 

Identify Opportunities to Deepen Right Relations with Indigenous Peoples: Metropolitan United Church, in partnership with the estate of Norval Morriseau are exploring the path towards reconciliation together. A first step is the installation of an exhibition of the art of Norval Morriseau in the Metropolitan United Church sanctuary titled “Family of the Spiritual Journey” The exhibition is free to view when the church is open. For more information, please click here.

Additional Resources:

Indigenous ministries in the United Church of Canada 

Reconciliation Canada 

United Church of Canada - Reconciliation and Indigenous Justice